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Govt Degree College (Boys)Total Records: 41
Name Owner Name Phone No Cell # Address
Govt Degree college(boys) M Umar (driver) 0300876585903008765859
Govt Degree college(boys) Sabir Hayat (Assistant lecturer) 0302676229203026762292
Govt Degree college(boys) M Awis (Assistant lecturer) 0304593101503045931015
Govt Degree college(boys) Basheer Chandrana(Head clerk) 0300676167403006761674
Govt Degree college(boys) Shakeel Ahmad khokhar(senior clerk) 0344704641803447046418
Govt Degree college(boys) Khalid Mahmood (LA) 03316816556Khalid Mahmood
Govt Degree college(boys) Sajjad Ahmad(LA) 0306282819003062828190
Govt Degree college(boys) M Ashraf (LA) 0306014181903060141819
Govt Degree college(boys) M Hashim (LA) 0302676553303026765533
Govt Degree college(boys) Ghulam Qasim (nayyab qasid) 0346704838803467048388
Govt Degree college(boys) Ghulam Rasool Awan(nayyab qasid) 0345717741903457177419
Govt Degree college(boys) M Fiaz (shumariat) 0334695223203346952232
Govt Degree college(boys) Shahzad Shani (bus conductor) 0306887579703068875797
Govt Degree college(boys) Rafeeq Ahmad Langha(chokidar) 0302379536503023795365
Govt Degree college(boys) Sabtain Iqbal (chokidar) 0302876102303028761023
Govt Degree college(boys) Mumtaz Hussain(chokidar) 0344296541203442965412
Govt Degree college(boys) Mazhar Iqbal Arain(baildar) 0344877319703448773197
Govt Degree college(boys) ilyas Sarfraz(mali) 0345718461403457184614
Govt Degree college(boys) Irfan (khakroob) 0306650793103066507931
Govt Degree college(boys) Naveed Maseeh(khakroob) 0344514560403445145604
Govt Degree college(boys) Asif Maseeh(sweeper) 0301449368003014493680
Govt Degree college(boys) Rizwan Ghazali(islamiat) 0345765767403457657674
Govt Degree college(boys) Muneer Ahmad Jutah(Principle) 0301784357603017843576
Govt Degree college(boys) Habbib Ullah (AP) 0333891087603338910876
Govt Degree college(boys) Zia ullah(chemistry) 0300796406303007964063
Govt Degree college(boys) Ghulam Yaseen awan(Physics) 0345725551303457255513
Govt Degree college(boys) M Akram arain(Education) 0302876329903028763299
Govt Degree college(boys) M ilyas (Urdu) 0302701042403027010424
Govt Degree college(boys) Ghulam Ali(Siyasiat) 0346496765803464967658
Govt Degree college(boys) M Sajjid Arain (Geographia) 0345762532103457625321
Govt Degree college(boys) Mushtaq Hussain(biology) 0302876134203028761342
Govt Degree college(boys) Office 06063813100606381310
Govt Degree college(boys) Sabir Hussain (Physics) 0302784467103027844671
Govt Degree college(boys) Abdul Rauf (physical education) 0344711109603447111096
Govt Degree college(boys) Shaikh M Ishaq(Islamiat) 0302687201103026872011
Govt Degree college(boys) Talib Hussain(english) 0300652305203006523052
Govt Degree college(boys) Basheer Ahmad (english) 0300935445903009354459
Govt Degree college(boys) Ghulam Mujtaba shah (chemistry) 0332620971303326209713
Govt Degree college(boys) Karamat Ullah (urdu) 0300876636203008766362
Govt Degree college(boys) M Amjad (biology) 0305730791503057307915
Govt Degree college(boys) M Asif (math) 0305597252803055972528