Q and Q Fabrics
Q and Q Fabrics

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Cloth HouseTotal Records: 141
Name Owner Name Phone No Cell # Address
Eman Cloth house Eman Cloth house 060684025303027000252main bazar
Al Imran Cloth house Al Imran Cloth house 0301254237403012542374main bazar
Ahmad Fabricks matching center Ahmad Fabricks matching center 0342868548903428685489ghosia bazar
A B Dopata burkha A B Dopata burkha 0300876155303008761553moti bazar
Amjad Cloth house Amjad Cloth house 0302784015703027840157anarkali bazar
Ayan Fashion boyhique Ayan Fashion boyhique 0300747170503007471705main bazar
Ehsan Cloth Ehsan Cloth 0308127852303081278523main bazar
NN Asnan shaneel house NN Asnan shaneel house 0301785630903017856309main bazar
Asif Cloth Asif Cloth 0302784251003027842510muslim bazar
Al Madina Cloth Al Madina Cloth 0302784042203027840422mujahid bazar
Asad cloth cut piece Asad cloth cut piece 0346006231503460062315Purana hospital road
Al Makkah Bedsheet parda Al Makkah Bedsheet parda 0300772111503007721115Purana hospital road
Allah Tawakul bedsheet parda Allah Tawakul bedsheet parda 0307654865003076548650super market
Iqbal Cloth house Iqbal Cloth house 0300676138403006761384mandi bazar
Asad Cloth house Asad Cloth house 0305313001303053130013mujahid bazar
Al Rahim cloth house Al Rahim cloth house 0344463670503444636705ghazi bazar
Afzal Cloth house Afzal Cloth house 0346577918803465779188main bazar
Asif Cloth house Asif Cloth house 0305313001303053130013mujahid bazar
Iqbal Cloth house Iqbal Cloth house 060684013703464971233main bazar
Afzal Aslam Cloth house Afzal Aslam Cloth house 0301392287003013922870mujahid bazar
Al Jannat Fabricks Al Jannat Fabricks 0333720230003337202300ghazi bazar
Anwar Cloth house Anwar Cloth house 0315676876303156768763ghazi bazar
Ashraf Gujjar cloth house Ashraf Gujjar cloth house 0344672179503446721795moti bazar
Ibrar Saeed Cloth house Ibrar Saeed Cloth house 0302876399803028763998muslim bazar
Abu Zahbi Cloth house Abu Zahbi Cloth house 0346498630603464986306moti bazar
Al Harmain Febricks Al Harmain Febricks 0304799709703047997097PURANA HOSPITAL
Afzaal Cloth house Afzaal Cloth house 0302784072603027840726mujahid bazar
Awan bedsheet Awan bedsheet 0332645629403326456294ghazi bazar
Ishfaq cloth house Ishfaq cloth house 0301784664703017846647ghazi bazar
Arslan cloth house Arslan cloth house 0323731219903237312199ghazi bazar
Arbab Cloth house Arbab Cloth house 0301785543003017855430mujahid cloth
Iqra poshak mahal Iqra poshak mahal 060684070403324546017ghazi bazar
Iqbal Cloth house Iqbal Cloth house 0300676138403006761384mandi bazar
Ashraf Mahmood cloth house Ashraf Mahmood cloth house 0301784336203017843362mandi bazar
Basra cloth house Basra cloth house 0304390478803043904788sabir bazar
Bilal Cloth house Bilal Cloth house 0302784083903027840839muslim bazzar
Bismillah Cloth House Bismillah Cloth House 0345762024803457620248main bazar
Bota Cloth house Bota Cloth house 0307654563503076545635moti bazar
Pakistan Fabrics Pakistan Fabrics 0306876023003068760230mandi bazar
Popular Matching center Popular Matching center 0342868545003428685450ghosia bazar
Peer Mahal Cloth house Peer Mahal Cloth house 0308784532503087845325sabir bazar
Pehnawa center Pehnawa center 0300620584603006205846mujahid bazar
G M Fabrics G M Fabrics 0300808136603008081366main bazar
Chachaye De Hati Chachaye De Hati 0302676210703026762107Purana hospital road
Choudhary cloth house Choudhary cloth house 0306676022503066760225sabir bazar
Hamza Cloth house Hamza Cloth house 0300877120303008771203mujahid bazar
Haq Bahu Cloth Haq Bahu Cloth 0344654417503446544175Moti bazzar
Khan Cloth house Khan Cloth house 0307168526603071685266Purana hospital road
Khushi Cloth house Khushi Cloth house 0300676110603006761106sabir bazar
Khalid Cloth house Khalid Cloth house 0332645291403326452914muslim bazar
Khalil Cloth house Khalil Cloth house 0346721304503467213045mujahid bazzar
Daman Cloth house Daman Cloth house 0300618429403006184294niazi market
Dulhan Waraeity house Dulhan Waraeity house 0307622643503076226435sabir bazar
Zulfikar Cloth house Zulfikar Cloth house 0301488467503014884675muslim bazar
Rana Bed Sheet kambal parda Rana Bed Sheet kambal parda 0310676483103106764831mandi bazar
Rana Cloth house Rana Cloth house 0300676483103006764831ghala mandi bazar
Rehan Cloth house Rehan Cloth house 0344857714603448577146niazi market
Ramzan Cloth house Ramzan Cloth house 0300701161003007011610main bazar
Rauf Cloth house Rauf Cloth house 0300876529803008765298mujahid bazar
Rafee Cloth house Rafee Cloth house 0300676135403006761354mujahid bazar
Rao Cloth house Rao Cloth house 0302330088603023300886ghosia bazzar
Rana Haris cloth house Rana Haris cloth house 0332647887803326478878mandi bazar
Zain Cloth house Zain Cloth house 0301784822403017848224moti bazar
Sajjad Cloth house Sajjad Cloth house 0308866347003088663470mujahid cloth
Subhan Afzal bedsheet Subhan Afzal bedsheet 0308868779803088687798Purana hospital road
Saleem Cloth house Saleem Cloth house 0343888080303438880803mujahid bazar
Saeed Cloth house Saeed Cloth house 0308707512503087075125mujahid bazar
Subhan Cloth Subhan Cloth 0303679244903036792449main bazar
Sultan Cloth house Sultan Cloth house 0348114007303481140073main bazar
Subhan Awan bedsheet Subhan Awan bedsheet 0307580749403075807494main bazar
Saifya Cloth house Saifya Cloth house 0300676326703006763267Purana hospital road
Sajjid Bed Sheet center Sajjad Bed Sheet 0300511770103005117701moti bazar
Shahid Cloth house Shahid Cloth house 0302784063203027840632main bazar
Shabaz Cloth house Shabaz Cloth house 0302784630803027846308asghar market
Sheikh Matching center Sheikh Matching center 0301785372403017853724Ahmad market
Shaheen Cloth house Shaheen Cloth house 0345762324503457623245main bazar
Sabir Cloth Sabir Cloth 0336352078603363520786mujahid bazar
Tayyab Bhai matching center Tayyab Bhai matching center 0345717646503457176465Anar Kali Bazar
Tahir cloth house Tahir cloth house 0342578421903425784219mujahid bazar
Abdul Majeed cloth house Abdul Majeed cloth house 0301784264703017842647Mandi bazar
Imran Cloth House Imran Cloth House 0305651935103056519351main bazar
Ajwa Febrics Ajwa Febrics 0346272803403462728034MM Road
Irfan Cloth house Irfan Cloth house 0301327315003013273150muslim bazar
Abbas Cloth house Abbas Cloth house 0306876628503068766285main bazar
Irfan Cloth house Irfan Cloth house 0301687378603016873786main bazar
Adil Bed Sheet center Adil Bed Sheet center 0308772840603087728406bilal market
Amir Cloth house Amir Cloth house 0302738376003027383760ghazi bazar
Abdullah Cloth house Abdullah Cloth house 0305688910503056889105mandi bazar
Ali Cloth house Ali Cloth house 0300676799803006767998ghazi bazar
Ali Matching center Ali Matching center 0300676132303006761323moti bazar
Alvi Cloth house Alvi Cloth house 0308876522003088765220madina bazar
Adnan Cloth house Adnan Cloth house 060684061003006762710main bazar
Umar Fabrics Umar Fabrics 0306783188503067831885muslim bazar
Adil Bed Sheets kambal parda carpet Adil Bed Sheets kambal parda carpet 0302784068603027840686ghazi bazar
Ammar Cloth House Ammar Cloth House 0300202689203002026892mujahid bazar
Amir Rasheed cloth house Amir Rasheed cloth house 0345779111403457791114Purana hospital road
Ali Cloth house Ali Cloth house 0333620479603336204796ghala mandi bazar
Ghori cloth House Ghori cloth House 0304707455803047074558Purana hospital road
Ghosia sulemani cloth Ghosia sulemani cloth 0308876613003088766130ghazi bazar
Gosia Collection Gosia Collection 0346735720103467357201Asghar market
Ghreeban di hati cloth house Ghreeban di hati cloth house 0347147314203471473142ghosia bazar
Ghosia Cloth house Ghosia Cloth house 0345325025003453250250main bazar
Faryad BedSheet store Faryad BedSheet store 0307724962503077249625ghazi bazar
Fazal Cloth house Fazal Cloth house 0345895530103458955301asghar market
Farooq Cloth house Farooq Cloth house 0308784624303087846243main bazar
Fine Cloth house Fine Cloth house 0301784824003017848240main bazar
Kambwa Cloth Kambwa Cloth 0302712600103027126001asghar market
Gul Khan cloth house Gul Khan cloth house 0300701307703007013077ghazi bazar
Golra Shareef cloth house Golra Shareef cloth house 0347839100603478391006ghosia bazzar
Grace matching center Grace matching center 0301785770703017857707ghosia bazar
Lasani cloth house Lasani cloth house 060637450403006765412ghazi bazar
Makki Madni Cloth house Makki Madni Cloth house 0344515377103445153771mujahid bazar
Madina Bed Sheet Madina Bed Sheet 0303310200403033102004sabir bazar
Mian Faberics Mian Faberics 0307779702603077797026moti bazzar
Muhiyu Deen cloth house Muhiyu Deen cloth house 0307070284603070702846super market
Mushtaq Hussain Cloth house Mushtaq Hussain Cloth house 0302424623203024246232Mandi bazar
Makki Cloth house Makki Cloth house 060684110003006763650ghazi bazar
Mian Cloth House Mian Cloth House 0332644700803326447008sabir bazar
Mazhar Cloth House Mazhar Cloth House 0301758178403017581784muslim bazar
Makki Fabrics Makki Fabrics 0302784487103027844871main bazar
Mian Usman Mian Usman 0344699900603446999006
Mehmood Cloth house Mehmood Cloth house 0302428167803024281678ghosia bazar
Mubarak Collection Mubarak Collection 0302784097403027840974main bazar
Nimra Cloth House Nimra Cloth House 0301785520103017855201moti bazar
Norani Cloth House Norani Cloth House 0308391210803083912108Purana hospital road
New Nasir Cloth house New Nasir Cloth house 0308784410503087844105ghosia bazzar
Noor Febrics Noor Febrics 0302549599703025495997moti bazar
New Lasani cloth house New Lasani cloth house 0346878861603468788616sabir bazar
Nayamat Ali cloth house Nayamat Ali cloth house 0302784006003027840060mujahid bazar
New Khalid cloth house New Khalid cloth house 0346494610303464946103ghazi bazar
New Fashion Style bothique New Fashion Style bothique 0301405803803014058038ward no 3
Nasir Cloth house Nasir Cloth house 0307650523503076505235main bazar
Niaz Cloth house Niaz Cloth house 0306876572003068765720niazi market
Waris cloth house Waris cloth house 0307653865703076538657muslim bazar
Waqas Febrics Waqas Febrics 0301784328603017843286main bazar
Jafar Hussain landa cloth Jafar Hussain landa cloth 0306760720203067607202karor road
M Shafeeq Landa cloth M Shafeeq Landa cloth 0302870356003028703560sabri bazar
Shami bedsheet Shami bedsheet 0345786140903013037492ghosia bazzar
Shair cloth house Shair cloth house 0345718529803457185298Anarkali bazzar
Abdul Azeez cloth house Abdul Azeez cloth house 060684025303027000292Main bazzar
zafar iqbal waris cloth 0341067325103066557847muslm bzar